I was out with some friends the other day, we were at a local mom & pop restaurant eating lunch or something, when I noticed they were serving old fashioned crinkle cut fries! You know the good thick ones? The size of your fingers... not those shoestring size. Wow! I said to my friends. I don't normally get that excited about my food, but, you don't see many restaurants serving the old fashioned crinkle cut fries. White Castle has the small version. I'm talking the kind you still buy in the store. (oreida SP?)
Now only 1 of my friends really got what I was talking about. I was like a dog with a chew toy... just couldn't let it go, until another one of my friends "got it". We finally let the subject drift off into that never-never where ideas disappear to. Probably joined the whole peanut butter cup (Reese's cup) controversy. Don't get me started again.
Who's with me? How many of you prefer the old style crinkle cut fries? Now before you go ballistic... McDees has some choice fries, but when you get a hamburger like mom used to make, wouldn't you prefer to break out the old style Oreida crinkle cut fries? I'll bet you would. In fact when I go to the store I'm gonna get some and fry'em up. Maybe even a few JTM burgers too.
John Q.
The Regular "french fry" Guy
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Thursday, May 28, 2009
. Just read this article. (click link below)
. Most of what I read falls in line to everything I've heard since before the election. Democrats & Liberals just can't stand the very thought of RUSH. The fact that he is EQUAL time just pisses them off so much they just can't stand it! When he says that they really jump up and down shaking their fists at the radio and scream! Then he says those magic words that send them over the edge... WITH TALENT ON LOAN FROM... GOD!
. Yeah! Documented to be right... (98.7%?) of the time. Or something like that, could be 99%. Something to be proud of. Checked by an independent source. Matthews & Olberman don't even come close. On to the main topic...
. The arena of ideals is not for the faint of heart. Liberals have a hard time discussing this without turning to name calling. They just can't help themselves. The liberal press is most guilty. I can't think of the last time I read a newspaper column that did not show bias. (lib bias that is.) Good book to read that covers this in greater detail is "SLANDER"-by Ann Coulter. Excellent. You'll be ticked off before the end of the 1st chapter.
. What liberals always fail to mention is the major control of liberals/dem of the mainstream press. Hell just look in the White House. The press actually got a president elected. No shock there. A dose of white liberal guilt for good measure. They offer no remedy for that. They just harp on Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, Mark "The Great One" Levine & others. Newspapers and network news don't count. Not-to-mention a majority of colleges and even high schools attempt indoctrination or at the very least try to invalidate their student's conservative views. While the administrations look the other way. It was that way in my high school, some @#$% years ago.
. If the liberals continue on this course of action it will end up backfiring on them when they end up having to put actual conservative reporters on the air. (FOX News not-withstanding) Even they go out of their way to put liberals on air. With one major flaw... they are missing....Talent on loan from GOD!
John Q. Citizen
Just a Regular Guy
With a small portion of talent on loan from GOD
. Most of what I read falls in line to everything I've heard since before the election. Democrats & Liberals just can't stand the very thought of RUSH. The fact that he is EQUAL time just pisses them off so much they just can't stand it! When he says that they really jump up and down shaking their fists at the radio and scream! Then he says those magic words that send them over the edge... WITH TALENT ON LOAN FROM... GOD!
. Yeah! Documented to be right... (98.7%?) of the time. Or something like that, could be 99%. Something to be proud of. Checked by an independent source. Matthews & Olberman don't even come close. On to the main topic...
. The arena of ideals is not for the faint of heart. Liberals have a hard time discussing this without turning to name calling. They just can't help themselves. The liberal press is most guilty. I can't think of the last time I read a newspaper column that did not show bias. (lib bias that is.) Good book to read that covers this in greater detail is "SLANDER"-by Ann Coulter. Excellent. You'll be ticked off before the end of the 1st chapter.
. What liberals always fail to mention is the major control of liberals/dem of the mainstream press. Hell just look in the White House. The press actually got a president elected. No shock there. A dose of white liberal guilt for good measure. They offer no remedy for that. They just harp on Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, Mark "The Great One" Levine & others. Newspapers and network news don't count. Not-to-mention a majority of colleges and even high schools attempt indoctrination or at the very least try to invalidate their student's conservative views. While the administrations look the other way. It was that way in my high school, some @#$% years ago.
. If the liberals continue on this course of action it will end up backfiring on them when they end up having to put actual conservative reporters on the air. (FOX News not-withstanding) Even they go out of their way to put liberals on air. With one major flaw... they are missing....Talent on loan from GOD!
John Q. Citizen
Just a Regular Guy
With a small portion of talent on loan from GOD
Three words the media (MSM) will NEVER use in describing a conservative anything, but go out of their way to describe other liberals. Compelling life story. Compelling life story. Compelling life story. Compelling life story. Arrghh! Surely it will stop soon. Yeah right. As long as the TV is on it won't stop. My God even FOX can't help it. Rush, Ann Coulter and a few other conservative pundits have refrained. Mention it once and move on...
Like Big O himself... by-the-way, did you know he was black? Holy crap! I'm shocked I tell you, shocked! MSM still can't help themselves, they still trip over themselves when talking about "Him". Really its embarrassing. Like Big O, the fawning is just further proof journalism is dead. That is a topic for another day.
Compelling story. Clarence Thomas also had a very compelling story... from dirt poor, to Supreme Court Justice. Self made man. Impressive resume, excellent judge & human being. He was excoriated by Dems/libs in the senate, by Ted "the swimmer" Kennedy. A true bastion of character.Alberto Gonzalez also has a compelling story. These are details the press never mentioned, or gave little notice to.
We already know she knows little about fairness, and accepts racism as normal as long as it is against Caucasians. Hence her comments that, I'm paraphrasing, Latina women make better decisions than "white" men. Strike two! A televised speech shows her talking about legislating from the bench, though she quickly backtracked and gave congress credit for actually making our laws. Strike three!
These opinions among many others based in left-wing political views are enough for those in the senate to grill her as tough as Justice Thomas was. At least as tough. No doubt it is a forgone conclusion she will be confirmed by a weighted Senate, but she should still face serious questions. We should expect... no we should DEMAND answers, to these questions. Coherent answers, not ones that are parsed, or evasive. A compelling life story does not give one a pass or excuse bad judicial decisions. She has been overturned, I believe 60 % of the time. As a protest when the time comes and it becomes obvious she'll be confirmed, I think republicans should all vote against.
Also I'm tired of hearing people say republicans can't criticize or vote against her because she is a Latina or... wait for it... she has a compelling life story. To hell with the fact that she holds far left views/ideas. We'll lose Latina votes. Who cares about principles.... especially when you have such a compelling life story.
John Q. Citizen
The view from my bench
Just a Regular Guy
Like Big O himself... by-the-way, did you know he was black? Holy crap! I'm shocked I tell you, shocked! MSM still can't help themselves, they still trip over themselves when talking about "Him". Really its embarrassing. Like Big O, the fawning is just further proof journalism is dead. That is a topic for another day.
Compelling story. Clarence Thomas also had a very compelling story... from dirt poor, to Supreme Court Justice. Self made man. Impressive resume, excellent judge & human being. He was excoriated by Dems/libs in the senate, by Ted "the swimmer" Kennedy. A true bastion of character.
We already know she knows little about fairness, and accepts racism as normal as long as it is against Caucasians. Hence her comments that, I'm paraphrasing, Latina women make better decisions than "white" men. Strike two! A televised speech shows her talking about legislating from the bench, though she quickly backtracked and gave congress credit for actually making our laws. Strike three!
These opinions among many others based in left-wing political views are enough for those in the senate to grill her as tough as Justice Thomas was. At least as tough. No doubt it is a forgone conclusion she will be confirmed by a weighted Senate, but she should still face serious questions. We should expect... no we should DEMAND answers, to these questions. Coherent answers, not ones that are parsed, or evasive. A compelling life story does not give one a pass or excuse bad judicial decisions. She has been overturned, I believe 60 % of the time. As a protest when the time comes and it becomes obvious she'll be confirmed, I think republicans should all vote against.
Also I'm tired of hearing people say republicans can't criticize or vote against her because she is a Latina or... wait for it... she has a compelling life story. To hell with the fact that she holds far left views/ideas. We'll lose Latina votes. Who cares about principles.... especially when you have such a compelling life story.
John Q. Citizen
The view from my bench
Just a Regular Guy
Monday, May 25, 2009
Reading through several blogs and news sites the last few days has been quite depressing. Barak's campaign... wait... he really was elected? OMG that wasn't a dream? So the gov't really is in the car business? I see, officially no... technically... yes. I see.
Wait a minute, now I get it. Big O is doing whatever he can to keep Chrysler & GM to keep from filing bankruptcy. I mean official bankruptcy. No real bankruptcy judge involvement. The Cry-sler debacle is a total travesty. Dealerships being torn from owners & GIVEN away to others for nothing while not offering ANY compensation to original owners. Can this actually be happening? Yes! http://www.ihatethemedia.com/heartbreaking-letter-from-a-chrysler-destroyed-dodge-dealer Saw this and couldn't believe it was real.
Thought about it awhile and it made perfect sense. Big O has to repay union thu... er.. supporters somehow. That is why he gave GM another 4bil stop gap pmnt as the bankruptcy deadline came & went. Everyone involved knows that allowing GM to actually file REAL bankruptcy would benefit the company and affiliates and the satellite companies more than the sham bankruptcy that cry-sler got. Union officials made out like (pun alert!)... bandits...(sorry couldn't resist. Came out so natural.)
Save time GM, ignore the govt and just file bankruptcy and get it over. The quicker the better. AND without ANY govt help. That way you will be much closer to recovery than you'd be if you include the govt. So the union doesn't get their sweetheart deal from O. Most average people can't believe the UAW is willing to lose jobs rather than negotiate.
Everyone knows it is sad to lose benefits, but I'll bet if given a choice between benefits & salary... salary wins. Even in retirement. A group plan in the name of GM employees could be cheaper than individuals. Even if you do have to pay for it yourself. Better than nothing. Unless of course you are a union official... They'll be unaffected. That's one benefit that won't be cut, no matter what plan is used.
That's just one man's opinion.
John Q. Citizen
Just a Regular Guy
Wait a minute, now I get it. Big O is doing whatever he can to keep Chrysler & GM to keep from filing bankruptcy. I mean official bankruptcy. No real bankruptcy judge involvement. The Cry-sler debacle is a total travesty. Dealerships being torn from owners & GIVEN away to others for nothing while not offering ANY compensation to original owners. Can this actually be happening? Yes! http://www.ihatethemedia.com/heartbreaking-letter-from-a-chrysler-destroyed-dodge-dealer Saw this and couldn't believe it was real.
Thought about it awhile and it made perfect sense. Big O has to repay union thu... er.. supporters somehow. That is why he gave GM another 4bil stop gap pmnt as the bankruptcy deadline came & went. Everyone involved knows that allowing GM to actually file REAL bankruptcy would benefit the company and affiliates and the satellite companies more than the sham bankruptcy that cry-sler got. Union officials made out like (pun alert!)... bandits...(sorry couldn't resist. Came out so natural.)
Save time GM, ignore the govt and just file bankruptcy and get it over. The quicker the better. AND without ANY govt help. That way you will be much closer to recovery than you'd be if you include the govt. So the union doesn't get their sweetheart deal from O. Most average people can't believe the UAW is willing to lose jobs rather than negotiate.
Everyone knows it is sad to lose benefits, but I'll bet if given a choice between benefits & salary... salary wins. Even in retirement. A group plan in the name of GM employees could be cheaper than individuals. Even if you do have to pay for it yourself. Better than nothing. Unless of course you are a union official... They'll be unaffected. That's one benefit that won't be cut, no matter what plan is used.
That's just one man's opinion.
John Q. Citizen
Just a Regular Guy
Friday, May 15, 2009
When will they learn....
Yet another politician gets caught in a lie, backing herself into a corner with no real escape possible. Mrs. Pelosi has put herself in quite a very public hole. Her press conference yesterday was a joke. Anyone watching I'm sure got the distinct impression that she was lying. Sure seemed that way to me.
You would think she would learn that lying about the lie is worse than just admitting she was mistaken, or just misremembered... but she just keeps digging a bigger hole for herself. Give it up! You are busted! Learn from past mistakes and just admit the truth NOW before you get too much deeper.
She might be so deep now that her only recourse will be to resign to avoid further embarrassment. Trying to politicize this issue and embarrass President Bush backfired on her "big time".
Oh what a tangled web we weave....
Maybe the smoke from her pants is blinding her to the truth.
John Q.
A Regular Guy weighing in.
You would think she would learn that lying about the lie is worse than just admitting she was mistaken, or just misremembered... but she just keeps digging a bigger hole for herself. Give it up! You are busted! Learn from past mistakes and just admit the truth NOW before you get too much deeper.
She might be so deep now that her only recourse will be to resign to avoid further embarrassment. Trying to politicize this issue and embarrass President Bush backfired on her "big time".
Oh what a tangled web we weave....
Maybe the smoke from her pants is blinding her to the truth.
John Q.
A Regular Guy weighing in.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
The Budget Crisis... as I see it
I have a simple solution to the budget. This will take some guts and bravery from our representatives, I know that is asking alot from men who haven't got a clue about real life. Here it is... CUT ALL departments in the budget 1 % with exception of defense & social security: BUT only increase those no more than 3-5%.
. This is so simple, we would save BILLIONS of dollars, cut waste and the deficit. Albeit a little at a time. Now by cuts I mean REAL cuts!! Not cuts in projected spending, but real honest to goodness CUTS! WE could probably cut even more but I use 1% as a starting point... but with the numbers our govt uses even that would be a large enough sum of money to make a difference. Do you really think this govt would even consider this? NOT!!! Obama and the demcrap controlled congress wouldn't even consider this as an option. (but neither did the republicans)
. Why doesn't congress EVER consider REAL cuts in the budget? Mainly because they are not really on OUR side. They say so on the campaign trail, get elected and then basically say F.U. I don't mean to be profane but seriously this subject really ticks me off. This is such a simple solution, such a real life answer as to be overlooked as too simple to work. BUT, between you and me... we know it would work, because it works for us in our lives when we experience money problems.
They will ignore it, that's why I'm using RED to write this. Congress is bankrupt when it comes to actual ideas.
John Q. Citizen
The Regular Guy
offering real solutions to real problems
. This is so simple, we would save BILLIONS of dollars, cut waste and the deficit. Albeit a little at a time. Now by cuts I mean REAL cuts!! Not cuts in projected spending, but real honest to goodness CUTS! WE could probably cut even more but I use 1% as a starting point... but with the numbers our govt uses even that would be a large enough sum of money to make a difference. Do you really think this govt would even consider this? NOT!!! Obama and the demcrap controlled congress wouldn't even consider this as an option. (but neither did the republicans)
. Why doesn't congress EVER consider REAL cuts in the budget? Mainly because they are not really on OUR side. They say so on the campaign trail, get elected and then basically say F.U. I don't mean to be profane but seriously this subject really ticks me off. This is such a simple solution, such a real life answer as to be overlooked as too simple to work. BUT, between you and me... we know it would work, because it works for us in our lives when we experience money problems.
They will ignore it, that's why I'm using RED to write this. Congress is bankrupt when it comes to actual ideas.
John Q. Citizen
The Regular Guy
offering real solutions to real problems
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Miss California is finding out firsthand the effects of the the politics of personal destruction from the liberal establishment. If you do or say anything that goes against what they say is right you become a target. She did not tell perez he could not get married but that as far as she believed marriage was between a man and a woman. For that his first response was to call her a b#$@! and the next day called her word beginning with a "c" we won't say here. Now they are attacking her parents by insinuating a hatred of homosexuals. The hosts of "E" news (entertainment) are especially vocal.
. I don't hear any of them attacking the president or other liberal politicians for those same beliefs. All this over special rights for sexual preference. If you believe the govt is too big and we are taxed too much you are a tea bagging a-hole. (a derogatory term) or are racist according to J. Garofalo. Since the mainstream press is liberal as hell they go right along with the politics of personal destruction, mainly because that is their opinion too. Sad that we no longer have an objective press. We never really did have one but now they have been embolden since they got their candidate elected.
. The press no longer reports the news they now report their views. Hate speech is now accepted on mainstream news programs, and nobody says a word... if they do they get investigated and slammed in the press. Civil discourse is dead. Liberals cannot win with facts so let the name calling begin!!
John Q.
just another Regular Guy
with a few other names thrown in by our lib friends
. I don't hear any of them attacking the president or other liberal politicians for those same beliefs. All this over special rights for sexual preference. If you believe the govt is too big and we are taxed too much you are a tea bagging a-hole. (a derogatory term) or are racist according to J. Garofalo. Since the mainstream press is liberal as hell they go right along with the politics of personal destruction, mainly because that is their opinion too. Sad that we no longer have an objective press. We never really did have one but now they have been embolden since they got their candidate elected.
. The press no longer reports the news they now report their views. Hate speech is now accepted on mainstream news programs, and nobody says a word... if they do they get investigated and slammed in the press. Civil discourse is dead. Liberals cannot win with facts so let the name calling begin!!
John Q.
just another Regular Guy
with a few other names thrown in by our lib friends
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Peanut Butter Cups... Really!
Did you ever notice just how good a Reese's cup taste? Just the right amount of chocolate to peanut butter. Talking to a few friends the other day we all came to the conclusion that no other brand comes close. We all agree they still taste OK, but not quite as good.
We like the other chocolate candies, but prefer the Reese's. There is just something special about the mix of choc/p-nut butter... Yea I know sounds pretty crazy that we actually talk about something as off the wall as candy, but the variety of subjects that pass through our little group. Would truly shock and amaze you.
The next time you enjoy a Reese's cup, (note I said enjoy not eat. You don"t just eat a Reese's cup you enjoy it!) Take notice of just how good it really tastes. The p-nut butter is just right, the chocolate is smooth & creamy. You just can't beat it. Ask anyone. Compare a Reese's cup to another brand. They both taste good but the Reese's cup is much better. They are addictive. I love 'em. I can't just eat one, and I'll bet you can't either.
John Q.
Just a Regular Guy
We like the other chocolate candies, but prefer the Reese's. There is just something special about the mix of choc/p-nut butter... Yea I know sounds pretty crazy that we actually talk about something as off the wall as candy, but the variety of subjects that pass through our little group. Would truly shock and amaze you.
The next time you enjoy a Reese's cup, (note I said enjoy not eat. You don"t just eat a Reese's cup you enjoy it!) Take notice of just how good it really tastes. The p-nut butter is just right, the chocolate is smooth & creamy. You just can't beat it. Ask anyone. Compare a Reese's cup to another brand. They both taste good but the Reese's cup is much better. They are addictive. I love 'em. I can't just eat one, and I'll bet you can't either.
John Q.
Just a Regular Guy
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
First off the republican party needs to quit listening to ANYONE inside the D.C. beltway. They have lost touch with the grassroots base. They do NOT need to rebrand themselves all they really have to do is return to their roots. Smaller govt, lower taxes... Conservative roots. The Dem's have been winning by running more conservative candidates who then turn their backs on the campaign rhetoric after the election.
. The main problem as I see it is the Republican's in DC so want to be liked by the mainstream media and DC libs they are willing to listen to THEIR solutions to the republicans problem. The answer can be seen by an example from the Presidential campaign last year. The head of the ticket has a rally and has a crowd of 2500-3000 people. Sarah Palin has a rally and gets a huge crowd of 6000 plus. HINT: the more conservative of the 2. She embarrassed him at every stop. They came to hear her. Her message was what they came to hear. Conservative views vs McCain's "moderate" rino views. WE all know this to be true. It is the reason McCain's people attacked her after the election. Also why the moderates in the party continue to denigrate her. Like Romney's dig about her being on the best looking list instead of a list of leaders. Look behind you Mitt, I don't see too many people following your lead.
John Q. Citizen
just another REGULAR GUY
. The main problem as I see it is the Republican's in DC so want to be liked by the mainstream media and DC libs they are willing to listen to THEIR solutions to the republicans problem. The answer can be seen by an example from the Presidential campaign last year. The head of the ticket has a rally and has a crowd of 2500-3000 people. Sarah Palin has a rally and gets a huge crowd of 6000 plus. HINT: the more conservative of the 2. She embarrassed him at every stop. They came to hear her. Her message was what they came to hear. Conservative views vs McCain's "moderate" rino views. WE all know this to be true. It is the reason McCain's people attacked her after the election. Also why the moderates in the party continue to denigrate her. Like Romney's dig about her being on the best looking list instead of a list of leaders. Look behind you Mitt, I don't see too many people following your lead.
John Q. Citizen
just another REGULAR GUY
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