Monday, October 19, 2009


What is the real crime when cities claim they are broke? The total
mismanagement of our tax dollars? Blind spending? Or outright misleading comments i.e. lies?!

Let me explain… What is the first thing Cincinnati said about our budget? “Well we are going to HAVE to cut the fire dept by shutting down several fire houses.” (paraphrase) Then, “well we’ll postpone any promotions.” Then, “Well looks like we’ll also have to cut some police positions too.”

Whoa there councilmen & Mayor. Hold on one damn minute. Why is it when cuts need to be made it ALWAYS starts with Police & Fire Depts.?? Why? We as citizens all know there is much more waste in the civilian branches. What about the admin staffs? Those could be cut down. Our council people are not full time they ALL have jobs do they not?

The citizens are also as much to blame, as they shout, “Don’t cut our Police or Fire!” But cry just as much when wasteful admin jobs are cut. “We’ll sue!”, “Call the union boss! Time for those democrats to earn their pay; tell those charterites same applies to them. Those republicans if they want re-elected they’ll play ball.”

Also always a critical levy on ballot too. MONEY, MONEY, MONEY!!!! How about CUTTING EVERY department 1%? With NO increases in ANY dept. These small cuts may hurt a bit but if EVERYBODY has them it is totally fair. Some people will just have to decide if they want to be fired, or work a few less hrs each week. All departments off on Wednesdays except Police/Fire & essential services. (rotate that extra day off) I'm generalizing here just throwing out ideas to make a point.

That leaves questions about extra revenue. Time to pass issue 3- the casinos. That sure would help the city. The opponents want you to believe it will actually stifle growth. Seriously! They say it with a straight face. Have you been to Lawrenceburg? Shows them to be misguided a bit. (see previous post)

I am like other residents of the city, just tired of bullshit rhetoric coming from City Hall & the Mayor. We need leadership in Cincinnati. We have a new fresh face in Brad Wenstrup. The man is a Doctor and served our country in the military, yet the Enquirer endorses a leadership challenged Mayor like Mallory.

Their main reason… he’s not asshole enough to win. What??? That’s right. In essence too nice. The debate the other night Mayor Mallory & Challenger Brad Wenstrup actually were civil. Some veiled jabs and a few not so much, but they didn’t stand up there and do the people a disservice and call each other names. They spoke on the issues confronting the Queen City, and their ideas to move the city forward. The Enquirer would have you believe Dr. Wenstrup can’t handle the pressure. A Doctor… Served in Iraq… Can’t handle pressure? Really? Ridiculous assumption by them.

Cincinnati is poised on the brink at a time where new fresh leadership will revitalize the city. These next few years may be critical ones for Ohio. A new Governor, a NEW Mayor & council… A fresh start with new ideas could turn this state and city around. Cincinnati, the Queen City, could be made the crown jewel it once was in Ohio.

John Q. Citizen
The Regular Guy
Proud to call Cincinnati home.

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Thursday, October 1, 2009

ISSUE 3 Casinio Gambling in OHIO

This issue is coming up in Ohio this November. This has been tried several times in the past and failed. This time it has a very good chance of passing despite the Catholic Church protestations. As well it should. The church has no leg to stand on by demonizing gambling while promoting this vice at ALL their festivals. Why? God says it is a sin UNLESS sanctioned by the church for a festival, just come to confession afterward. What if you are not catholic? Sorry, you’re going to hell. Yes I am being a bit sarcastic.

What about the issue that not all jobs are going to Ohioans? Hmmm? FACT! Most of the people that get jobs WILL: live in Ohio. Sure I’ll bet some people will be brought in because they have the experience to do the table & games, but just like the riverboats in Indiana, the will be trained and eventually become good at their jobs.
BUT still work in OHIO and pay our state taxes. The bottom line Ohio will reap the benefits tax wise. So will the local municipalities. An injection of money they would not have otherwise.

The total amount of new jobs created will be debated; right now it is APPROXIMATELY 34,000. Now this number is an estimate, but according to most objective reports, close. Regardless the number, the final tally will help a starving Ohio economy.

REALLY? Sure it will.

Ok, let’s look at Lawrenceburg, Indiana. The difference that boat made for that area is significant. Just a few things, new city bldg, more cops, increased revenue for the city. More benefits and improvements. We all know this is true, why? Because many, many, Ohioans travel over there to take advantage of the casinos & entertainment, why shouldn’t Ohio benefit? They are only asking for 4 casinos, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, & Toledo. Our 4 biggest cities. Which, by-the-way, are four areas in desperate need of jobs and development. Time to ignore the hypocrites of the “church”. They need not worry; people will still visit the festivals because they know they are fundraisers. So don’t tell us gambling is evil and out of the other side of your mouth: except in the name of the church. We are on to you.

This is not some giant boondoggle; the benefits far outweigh the exaggerated negative effects. We have seen for ourselves the positive effects in local areas within driving distance. Argosy & Belterra are just 2 examples.

We have allowed the opponents to mislead the public long enough. Time for a change. Hmmm where have I heard that? This is actual change we can COUNT. As in money, money, money for the state and local cities, not to mention the small businesses that pop up to service the overflow. More restaurants gas stations and other businesses.

A YES vote will help Ohio step forward and grow a little. Something we desperately need. Something our current Gov has promised but can’t & hasn’t delivered. Let’s take a step forward, a step that is being driven by Ohio Citizens. A step that will be as positive as John Kasich for Gov. Let’s make it happen this November. VOTE YES on ISSUE 3. A yes vote that will help Ohio, you can bet on it.

John Q. Citizen
A Regular Guy