John Kasich is running for Governor of Ohio. Many people have wanted him to run since he left congress. He was great dealing with budget matters. He was instrumental in balancing the budget for first time in 30 + years. Should be great for Ohio, and business in Ohio. These are things Ohio needs. Look forward to him winning. . . . .
I am a Mason, and have always wondered, why those members that take an officer’s position end up refusing to do the work of an officer? Yes there is some memory work required. We can debate on whether or not it is actually required, tradition mandates it does. If they are willing to argue the point, they shouldn’t be an officer. Being on time to meetings… the time never changes! You know a month in advance the time, and you can’t be bothered to be on time. The charges we give men in Masonry are basic rules of life. When you become an officer, a willing participant in the government of your lodge, sometimes you have to give up some free time and misc activities to fulfill your obligation as One who runs the lodge. Just a thought…
More masonry… My lodge recently merged w/another. New lodge has excellent attendance. Full core of Officers, doing their work well. Big crowds for lodge events, dinners, picnics, etc… Thing members of my lodge always wanted. But since we merged, they won’t come to lodge. Why is that? “I don’t know those guys.” That is a typical EXCUSE they use. Well get off your tail and come to lodge. Try something unique… like making friends. That is what a Fraternity is all about, especially the Masonic Fraternity. Come on guys get with the program!
Why do people hang up instead of leaving a message? They get a message, listen to the whole thing, pause and hang up. Would it be too difficult to leave your name & No.
Lazy and rude!
Why does the govt always tax a vice, then advocate against the vice making the tax increase worthless. And generally an extra tax on the poor, who really can’t afford ANOTHER tax. Why?
Here’s another… why does the federal govt profess to want to cut dependence on foreign oil, yet do everything in its power to impede, and pass laws that make it next to impossible to accomplish. Listen to Gov Palin of Alaska, on the topic of ANWR. Just need a small amount of sq ft in comparison to the vast size of ANWR. Environmentalists are lying about how it will destroy the reserve. Those same people said when the pipeline was going to be built: oh it’ll kill the animals. Those animals ended up multiplying because of the heat off the pipeline. Offshore drill will take too long! WELL THEN WE BETTER START NOW!! Common sense people!! Somehow our govt officials lose that 1st thing when elected… well right after their ethics. Congress is great at breaking rules, laws and ignoring promises made…..
I got a big list and we’ll talk more later.
John Q. Citizen
Just a Regular Guy’s thoughts.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
I've sat back long enough, and heard many arguments, I found a penny so I think I can put my thoughts down on the matter. David Letterman's poor attack joke last week on Sarah Palin & her daughter was inexcusable. His subsequent attempt at a non apology apology failed miserably and was dismissed by practically everyone. Except those on the left that were willing to blindly accept what he said as a legitimate joke.
What Dave didn't expect was his apology wasn't accepted. Not only wasn't it a real apology, it was far from a sincere one. He blamed the joke on the fact WE took it wrong, it was about Bristol NOT Willow... now I get it... wait... no.. still not funny. We are supposed to laugh now we know it wasn't about the underage daughter but the one that already had a baby. . . . ah, no, I don't think so.
Everybody that saw the news knew the girl with Mrs. Palin was the middle daughter, everyone. David was caught with egg on his face, or, as Dave would say, (with his pants down). The joke not funny falling flat, he changed the premise and said, "what I meant to say was Bristol, yeah, Bristol is who I meant. (crickets chirping) (again). We ended up with the 2nd apology which Mrs. Palin graciously accepted to end this debacle.
I watched several news programs and they all for the most part were falling all over themselves to HELP Dave or to out right defend him. Some even went out of their way to even blame the Palins, calling it feigned theater. They even went so far as to compare Chelsea Clinton being called "not very pretty" to the Palin daughters being called or implied anyway, as sluts or whores. OUTRAGEOUS!
The left is so jaded and is so excited to destroy and libel the conservatives they look the other way when CHILDREN are drawn into the fray. Until the democrats accepted it as okay this was never a problem. The remarks about Chelsea, were by 2 Hollywood liberals. (betcha didn't know that). Why is that? Where are the women's groups? OK, NOW put him in their hall of shame. Why weren't they all over the networks saying that? All I saw/heard was a press release. What about calling Flight Attendants "Slutty"? Nothing. I personally know several FA, they are far from slutty, and I think they & their parents would be/are offended.
Fire Dave? Probably about time, he's no longer funny, but actually... I'll leave that to the network. I thought Imus should have been suspended for a week maybe two, but fired?
Dave should do us all a favor. . . . quit now, pass the torch to someone that is actually funny. Remember Dave you had a child out of wedlock too. What did your generation call that child...
John Q. Citizen
The Regular Guy
and former Letterman fan
BTW, his show lost me about 3 yrs ago
What Dave didn't expect was his apology wasn't accepted. Not only wasn't it a real apology, it was far from a sincere one. He blamed the joke on the fact WE took it wrong, it was about Bristol NOT Willow... now I get it... wait... no.. still not funny. We are supposed to laugh now we know it wasn't about the underage daughter but the one that already had a baby. . . . ah, no, I don't think so.
Everybody that saw the news knew the girl with Mrs. Palin was the middle daughter, everyone. David was caught with egg on his face, or, as Dave would say, (with his pants down). The joke not funny falling flat, he changed the premise and said, "what I meant to say was Bristol, yeah, Bristol is who I meant. (crickets chirping) (again). We ended up with the 2nd apology which Mrs. Palin graciously accepted to end this debacle.
I watched several news programs and they all for the most part were falling all over themselves to HELP Dave or to out right defend him. Some even went out of their way to even blame the Palins, calling it feigned theater. They even went so far as to compare Chelsea Clinton being called "not very pretty" to the Palin daughters being called or implied anyway, as sluts or whores. OUTRAGEOUS!
The left is so jaded and is so excited to destroy and libel the conservatives they look the other way when CHILDREN are drawn into the fray. Until the democrats accepted it as okay this was never a problem. The remarks about Chelsea, were by 2 Hollywood liberals. (betcha didn't know that). Why is that? Where are the women's groups? OK, NOW put him in their hall of shame. Why weren't they all over the networks saying that? All I saw/heard was a press release. What about calling Flight Attendants "Slutty"? Nothing. I personally know several FA, they are far from slutty, and I think they & their parents would be/are offended.
Fire Dave? Probably about time, he's no longer funny, but actually... I'll leave that to the network. I thought Imus should have been suspended for a week maybe two, but fired?
Dave should do us all a favor. . . . quit now, pass the torch to someone that is actually funny. Remember Dave you had a child out of wedlock too. What did your generation call that child...
John Q. Citizen
The Regular Guy
and former Letterman fan
BTW, his show lost me about 3 yrs ago
Thursday, June 11, 2009
. Thirty years ago today (6/11/79), movie theaters went dark in a moment of silence... A quiet tribute.. Hollywood ... nay America had lost an icon, a hero. The Duke had passed to that great beyond... that big stage in the sky.
. John Wayne was probably one of the last great American icons, a Hero to a few generations of fans. I did see his last movie at the theater, "The Shootist", the rest were through the magic of TV reruns, and Saturday afternoons. My mom loved old movies and because of that I watched many movies I may have missed otherwise. (More on this later.) The list is too long for this article, but I do have a few of MY favorites. (the peanut gallery behind me, while I write, be damned.) "The Fighting Kentuckian", "McQ", "The Green Berets", "The Searchers", "Rooster Cogburn", "True Grit", "The Cowboys", "The Shootist", I'm sure I left out somebody's favorite.
. With a cast of thousands and many of them memorable in and of themselves, reminds me that we just don't have actors that are that memorable. with great lines like, Bob Duvall, "That's bold talk from a one eyed fat man" Or scandalous lines, from the hero no less: "Fill your hands you son-of-a-bitch!" Chills just thinking about it.
. The current crop of actors we have in the last few generations don't hold a candle to those of our past. I don't think they will be as memorable as Wayne, Stewart, Holden, Grant, Brennan. The character actors were just as famous. That cannot be said today. Sad.
. The Duke was hailed for his talent, and his love of his country, (missing from actors today big time!) and politics. He was an unabashed conservative in Hollywood no less. He was even a Freemason and not afraid to admit it. These traits endeared him to a nation of movie goers who adored him and enjoyed his movies.
. So it is with a sad fondness of memory, I raise my glass, and salute a great American hero and switch the channel to AMC, which is showing "The Hellfighters", which by the way, is my personal favorite. Gotta run, my popcorn will be done in 2min & 30sec. We'll be right back, after a word from our sponsors.
Goodnight Pardner!
John Q. Citizen
The Regular Guy
. Thirty years ago today (6/11/79), movie theaters went dark in a moment of silence... A quiet tribute.. Hollywood ... nay America had lost an icon, a hero. The Duke had passed to that great beyond... that big stage in the sky.
. John Wayne was probably one of the last great American icons, a Hero to a few generations of fans. I did see his last movie at the theater, "The Shootist", the rest were through the magic of TV reruns, and Saturday afternoons. My mom loved old movies and because of that I watched many movies I may have missed otherwise. (More on this later.) The list is too long for this article, but I do have a few of MY favorites. (the peanut gallery behind me, while I write, be damned.) "The Fighting Kentuckian", "McQ", "The Green Berets", "The Searchers", "Rooster Cogburn", "True Grit", "The Cowboys", "The Shootist", I'm sure I left out somebody's favorite.
. With a cast of thousands and many of them memorable in and of themselves, reminds me that we just don't have actors that are that memorable. with great lines like, Bob Duvall, "That's bold talk from a one eyed fat man" Or scandalous lines, from the hero no less: "Fill your hands you son-of-a-bitch!" Chills just thinking about it.
. The current crop of actors we have in the last few generations don't hold a candle to those of our past. I don't think they will be as memorable as Wayne, Stewart, Holden, Grant, Brennan. The character actors were just as famous. That cannot be said today. Sad.
. The Duke was hailed for his talent, and his love of his country, (missing from actors today big time!) and politics. He was an unabashed conservative in Hollywood no less. He was even a Freemason and not afraid to admit it. These traits endeared him to a nation of movie goers who adored him and enjoyed his movies.
. So it is with a sad fondness of memory, I raise my glass, and salute a great American hero and switch the channel to AMC, which is showing "The Hellfighters", which by the way, is my personal favorite. Gotta run, my popcorn will be done in 2min & 30sec. We'll be right back, after a word from our sponsors.
Goodnight Pardner!
John Q. Citizen
The Regular Guy
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Big "O", and the rest of our govt esp dems (some repub) have been pissing on our heads and they keep telling us its raining. Sad thing is... MOST PEOPLE BELIEVE IT!!
Prime examples... stimulus is working creating/saving x amount of jobs yet job stats show unemployment UP to 9.4%. Lost 300000+ jobs last month. Fact is their is NO way to tell how many job were "saved". That is a bogus term, full of crap, in other words it is a pure political term. Used by liberals only. Any comment that says anything done in the auto mfg has NOTHING to do with the unions no matter how much the govt manufactured... er... their bankruptcy favors them, does not allude to favoritism... payback for their support. Wink, wink.
Yea right!
I will only raise taxes on those damn rich people. And by rich I mean those making more than $200K a year. What part of the country is that rich? Well to do? Maybe in the Midwest. If you live on the East or West coast $200K is lower middle class. Tuff! Live with it! Turn out those pockets.
We need to have some extra money for our illegal alien population, sorry, undocumented immigrants, (raining again) BULL SH@#!! Illegal alien/immigrant. Face it too much money being spent keeping them happy/comfortable not enough keeping them OUT! (Rain, rain rain.)
Man made global warming is a myth. No such thing as a consensus in the scientific community. But according to Big "O" and the libs we need cap and trade... they won't tell you that your taxes will go up... no, only taxing power companies not the people. (rain, rain, rain)... which will only raise yours and my utility bill over $1000. Don't know about you, but I couldn't afford that, could you?
Spending money we don't have.
How in the hell is this allowed to happen? We're not talking a little extra to support our military or for natural disaster relief.... no it's for entitlement programs and socialized medicine. Which has been PROVEN NOT TO WORK everywhere it has been tried. PROVEN! Why do liberals refuse to see this, when it is laid right before them. (Rain, rain, rain). What happens when you or I do that... bankruptcy! No, we can get a bailout. Course it would have helped if like B. Frank or Chris Dodd (2 prominent dems) we could have received sweetheart deals on our mortgages... what a savings. These men swear they didn't know but we are suppose to believe they are aware enough to run govt committees. (rain, rain,rain)
Can't we just slow down this train for awhile and let some revenue catch up to us? NO,NO! The only way out is to SPEND, SPEND, SPEND... TAX, TAX, TAX! (RAINDROPS KEEP FALLING ON MY HEAD.)
Hey... wait a minute.... that's not rain.... my goodness, I'm being pissed on!
It is what I see happening
til, next time
John Q. Citizen
The Regular Guy
Keeping my umbrella open
Prime examples... stimulus is working creating/saving x amount of jobs yet job stats show unemployment UP to 9.4%. Lost 300000+ jobs last month. Fact is their is NO way to tell how many job were "saved". That is a bogus term, full of crap, in other words it is a pure political term. Used by liberals only. Any comment that says anything done in the auto mfg has NOTHING to do with the unions no matter how much the govt manufactured... er... their bankruptcy favors them, does not allude to favoritism... payback for their support. Wink, wink.
Yea right!
I will only raise taxes on those damn rich people. And by rich I mean those making more than $200K a year. What part of the country is that rich? Well to do? Maybe in the Midwest. If you live on the East or West coast $200K is lower middle class. Tuff! Live with it! Turn out those pockets.
We need to have some extra money for our illegal alien population, sorry, undocumented immigrants, (raining again) BULL SH@#!! Illegal alien/immigrant. Face it too much money being spent keeping them happy/comfortable not enough keeping them OUT! (Rain, rain rain.)
Man made global warming is a myth. No such thing as a consensus in the scientific community. But according to Big "O" and the libs we need cap and trade... they won't tell you that your taxes will go up... no, only taxing power companies not the people. (rain, rain, rain)... which will only raise yours and my utility bill over $1000. Don't know about you, but I couldn't afford that, could you?
Spending money we don't have.
How in the hell is this allowed to happen? We're not talking a little extra to support our military or for natural disaster relief.... no it's for entitlement programs and socialized medicine. Which has been PROVEN NOT TO WORK everywhere it has been tried. PROVEN! Why do liberals refuse to see this, when it is laid right before them. (Rain, rain, rain). What happens when you or I do that... bankruptcy! No, we can get a bailout. Course it would have helped if like B. Frank or Chris Dodd (2 prominent dems) we could have received sweetheart deals on our mortgages... what a savings. These men swear they didn't know but we are suppose to believe they are aware enough to run govt committees. (rain, rain,rain)
Can't we just slow down this train for awhile and let some revenue catch up to us? NO,NO! The only way out is to SPEND, SPEND, SPEND... TAX, TAX, TAX! (RAINDROPS KEEP FALLING ON MY HEAD.)
Hey... wait a minute.... that's not rain.... my goodness, I'm being pissed on!
It is what I see happening
til, next time
John Q. Citizen
The Regular Guy
Keeping my umbrella open
Saturday, June 6, 2009
. I was told once by a lady friend of mine that I was old fashioned. And she didn't really say it as a compliment, which surprised me really. I mean that was how I was raised to treat a lady... you know, open doors, being polite, sending flowers, saying I love you. Good right?
No, not so much. I was reminded of that when I had to go downtown a few weeks ago. I was at the Job & Family Services Bldg. (long story... economy etc...) Standing in line I saw lots of people come in, including many young women, many of which of color and not were quite attractive. Making you wonder why no mate? Could it be... old fashioned meter alert... groan factor... the part where I piss off some of you... Could it be because they have so marked up their bodies with so called "art"?? I am, of course, speaking of tattoos.
. Wait! Calm down!
. I can't help it, I don't like them on women. Yea, yea, yea, I know its sooo chauvinistic of me... blah, blah, blah. I think most men would say the same thing. Or they would say its okay... as long as they can't be seen. I fall in that category. Well not really, but if she is going to have one, I'd rather the whole world not know. Inside the bikini line, under the bra or tiny bikini, an ankle... maybe. But the trend now-a-days is of course you all know what I'm about to say...
. ... the tramp stamp... the lower back tat. How many girls have you seen that ruin their bodies with that work of "art"? Can't tell you how many of my lady friends have told me they regret that one for sure. I'm willing to grow with the time really. I think Kat Von D is hot, even though you cant see her skin... (not really) but you get my drift. Am I really old fashioned... a square... a prude? Is it so wrong for me to want a women with soft unmarked skin? I'll be vilified by that, because several of my "lady" friends, while attractive, have them. (tats)
. Most of them are married, I know most of their husbands, and w/o mentioning any names, they don't like them. Not really, they're OK. They'll never say, "Honey, get the cat over here to lick that shit off your back, shoulder, arm. ankle, fill in the blank__________
That would be suicide, even I know that. What are you going to say? WOW, you really screwed the pooch there. No, you say looks nice... its ok. So I see all of these girls with the tattoos and wonder, are guys staying away from them because they find them unattractive, or is it something else? Am I that shallow?
. Yes I am. Is it a deal breaker? No. That belongs to smoking, and a topic for another day. You know I still think women enjoy getting flowers, having doors opened for them, holding hands, a soft tender kiss when you leave or at bed time. This is what I believe. And to those girls that found that old fashioned.... sorry. I know for fact you could use a little old fashioned loving now. Some of them, most of them ended up marrying... old fashioned guys...
I feel somewhat vindicated by that. Chivalry is not dead.
That's the way I see it.
John Q. Citizen
The Regular "Old Fashioned" Guy
No, not so much. I was reminded of that when I had to go downtown a few weeks ago. I was at the Job & Family Services Bldg. (long story... economy etc...) Standing in line I saw lots of people come in, including many young women, many of which of color and not were quite attractive. Making you wonder why no mate? Could it be... old fashioned meter alert... groan factor... the part where I piss off some of you... Could it be because they have so marked up their bodies with so called "art"?? I am, of course, speaking of tattoos.
. Wait! Calm down!
. I can't help it, I don't like them on women. Yea, yea, yea, I know its sooo chauvinistic of me... blah, blah, blah. I think most men would say the same thing. Or they would say its okay... as long as they can't be seen. I fall in that category. Well not really, but if she is going to have one, I'd rather the whole world not know. Inside the bikini line, under the bra or tiny bikini, an ankle... maybe. But the trend now-a-days is of course you all know what I'm about to say...
. ... the tramp stamp... the lower back tat. How many girls have you seen that ruin their bodies with that work of "art"? Can't tell you how many of my lady friends have told me they regret that one for sure. I'm willing to grow with the time really. I think Kat Von D is hot, even though you cant see her skin... (not really) but you get my drift. Am I really old fashioned... a square... a prude? Is it so wrong for me to want a women with soft unmarked skin? I'll be vilified by that, because several of my "lady" friends, while attractive, have them. (tats)
. Most of them are married, I know most of their husbands, and w/o mentioning any names, they don't like them. Not really, they're OK. They'll never say, "Honey, get the cat over here to lick that shit off your back, shoulder, arm. ankle, fill in the blank__________
That would be suicide, even I know that. What are you going to say? WOW, you really screwed the pooch there. No, you say looks nice... its ok. So I see all of these girls with the tattoos and wonder, are guys staying away from them because they find them unattractive, or is it something else? Am I that shallow?
. Yes I am. Is it a deal breaker? No. That belongs to smoking, and a topic for another day. You know I still think women enjoy getting flowers, having doors opened for them, holding hands, a soft tender kiss when you leave or at bed time. This is what I believe. And to those girls that found that old fashioned.... sorry. I know for fact you could use a little old fashioned loving now. Some of them, most of them ended up marrying... old fashioned guys...
I feel somewhat vindicated by that. Chivalry is not dead.
That's the way I see it.
John Q. Citizen
The Regular "Old Fashioned" Guy
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