Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Big "O", and the rest of our govt esp dems (some repub) have been pissing on our heads and they keep telling us its raining. Sad thing is... MOST PEOPLE BELIEVE IT!!

Prime examples... stimulus is working creating/saving x amount of jobs yet job stats show unemployment UP to 9.4%. Lost 300000+ jobs last month. Fact is their is NO way to tell how many job were "saved". That is a bogus term, full of crap, in other words it is a pure political term. Used by liberals only. Any comment that says anything done in the auto mfg has NOTHING to do with the unions no matter how much the govt manufactured... er... their bankruptcy favors them, does not allude to favoritism... payback for their support. Wink, wink.
Yea right!

I will only raise taxes on those damn rich people. And by rich I mean those making more than $200K a year. What part of the country is that rich? Well to do? Maybe in the Midwest. If you live on the East or West coast $200K is lower middle class. Tuff! Live with it! Turn out those pockets.
We need to have some extra money for our illegal alien population, sorry, undocumented immigrants, (raining again) BULL SH@#!! Illegal alien/immigrant. Face it too much money being spent keeping them happy/comfortable not enough keeping them OUT! (Rain, rain rain.)
Man made global warming is a myth. No such thing as a consensus in the scientific community. But according to Big "O" and the libs we need cap and trade... they won't tell you that your taxes will go up... no, only taxing power companies not the people. (rain, rain, rain)... which will only raise yours and my utility bill over $1000. Don't know about you, but I couldn't afford that, could you?
Spending money we don't have.
How in the hell is this allowed to happen? We're not talking a little extra to support our military or for natural disaster relief.... no it's for entitlement programs and socialized medicine. Which has been PROVEN NOT TO WORK everywhere it has been tried. PROVEN! Why do liberals refuse to see this, when it is laid right before them. (Rain, rain, rain). What happens when you or I do that... bankruptcy! No, we can get a bailout. Course it would have helped if like B. Frank or Chris Dodd (2 prominent dems) we could have received sweetheart deals on our mortgages... what a savings. These men swear they didn't know but we are suppose to believe they are aware enough to run govt committees. (rain, rain,rain)
Can't we just slow down this train for awhile and let some revenue catch up to us? NO,NO! The only way out is to SPEND, SPEND, SPEND... TAX, TAX, TAX! (RAINDROPS KEEP FALLING ON MY HEAD.)

Hey... wait a minute.... that's not rain.... my goodness, I'm being pissed on!

It is what I see happening
til, next time

John Q. Citizen
The Regular Guy
Keeping my umbrella open


  1. look at new zealands and c what u think
    there healthcare

  2. Look a little closer yourself. No country with govt run healthcare is successful as we (U.S.) measure it. Higher taxes, the inequity of care, long waiting lists, and ultimatly who lives and who dies.
    Especially when cost benefit analysis is done by that govt official. Too old, too sick, nope that's elective and not really neccessary.
    It always eventually gets to that.
    The United States offers the absolute best care in the WORLD as well as the best training. That is why the world comes here for their medical education.
    If you are willing to pay the price of taxes, waiting etc,etc... fine.
    NZ is also about the size of 1 of our major cities. In that context you MIGHT, be able to handle it, BUT we are talking about nealy 300 million people.
    I'm not a Dr. But I can play one. (TV optional)

    John Q. Citizen
    The Regular Guy

  3. You are abssolutley full of what others have told you...No original thought here!!!!We spend more on health care than any and I mean any other nation. We have disparity in all areas of health care, It was suggested you look at NZ not that it was the answer. KEEP UP HERE!
    Our medical training is open to others not because it is the best but because in a lot of cases (foreign doctors) it is free. I am not suggesting we leave the realms of capitalism to gain our health care. I am not screaming socialism nor am I suggesting that we let the government run our healthcare ....look at what they did to Social Security:( but we need serious reform. It may take thinking out of the box.
    We pay more for sick care when it is shown that prevention is cheaper, however getting preventative care cost money.
    We have disparitys that hit our most vunerable of populations the elderly and children.When a 70 year old person has to pick medication or food we have an issue. Mental illness is still seen as a stigma, we have so much we need to recreate it is astounding. Look at morbidity and mortality rates in this country compared to those who have preventative care. Instead of screaming republican fear come and look at it simply as an issue one that affects both sides of the isle. By the way I am a registered Republican.

  4. Republican fear as you say is fact... rationing of care etc... all of this is happening in ALL govt run health care. You have missed the whole point. The dem/lib position that govt HAS to pay is bogus and will bankrupt the country.
    The way dems want nat'l HC will be overloaded *snap!* just like that. Businesses will quit offering because the govt will take care...
    Who trains their medical profession better? You say usa not best but offered no other.
    AN ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure! we had that for awhile w/HMO but dems hated that with a passion. I'm all for ANYTHING but govt run health care. They couldn't run a lemonade stand in hell! Need to ask the HC industry what they would do. Get people w/o any ties to govt.
    See what they suggest. I do look at BOTH sides, dems not offering anything that will work. I have been in position of not being able to afford meds. Still there. My DR even suggested I quit my job & find one that offers medical. I asked him for a job & he shut up. Exactly I said. I know from experience it can be tough. I do know the govt answer of throwing MORE money at the problem IS NOT the answer.
    The answer lies somewhere outside the box! Just have to keep looking til answer is found.

    John Q. Citizen
    Reg. Repub
