This health care debate has gotten way out of hand. Some people have totally stirred up the right with a bit of hyperbole and those on the left have poured gasoline on the fire by name calling those citizens that are against this monetary behemoth and wordy bill. Ignoring the FACT it is filled with legalese non-sense that even those that WROTE the damn thing admit they can’t understand. Was it Charlie Wrangle that said, (paraphrase) “Read it? I would need a team of lawyers and a few weeks.” Even noted attorney & talk show pundit Greta Van Sustern said that the bill should have been written in plainer English and that it very well could have been. The pompous nature of those we elected to congress is to blame, AND the fact it was done on purpose because they knew that ambiguity would send it to the courts where the Democrat writers new they had a better chance of having interpreted their way. Several congressmen admitted as much on Greta. (the ambiguity. Court comment mine.)
Let’s dive right in shall we? I am not going to tell you I have read all of this monstrosity, I haven’t. I’ve read maybe half, and other parts that have been brought up. I noted them and read them. I would say damn near 90% of what has been brought up by people in the town hall meetings is true. Of the 10% about 5% of that sure sounds like it leans to the hyperbolic statements. These poor democrat congressmen that have these town hall meetings are so unarmed, mainly because they have NOT read the bill, and the President’s absolutely abysmal defense and non existent knowledge of what is ACTUALLY in it.
The mainstream cheerleaders (press) calling people tea-baggers, really pisses me off. This is a totally derogatory term. Meaning: to drag ones scrotum over the face of someone else male or female. People need to know this. Started by Hollywood types (who obviously are familiar with this move.) in their comments to defend BHO & health Care (HC). For the mainstream media to continue to allow this term to be used is actually criminal and editorial laziness. Like Sarah Palin the media just can’t understand those outside the DC beltway and inside the parentheses (America inside the coasts), commonly called by them, “fly-over country” mainly because they never set foot there unless covering those poor bastards affected by hurricanes or tornados.
Now HC we all agree needs some tweaking, and prices need to come down these are facts. But government controlled HC? I think not. Insurance companies are not infallible. They refused to allow me to go to an in house therapy program when I had a stroke. Even after 2 doctors and a neurologist suggested it as the best option for my recovery. So reform is necessary. But govt run? Nope.
Govt run ANYTHING is filled w/corruption and fraud, that is a FACT. A veteran friend complained and they told him it cost too much to fight/correct. Riiiight. Like let me take a shit and then wipe my ass. (sorry) Talking with some friends right/left we feel we can come up with a few suggestions that make sense BEFORE we jump off onto the prohibitively expensive public option. Oh, first let me mention that our Pres. BHO said “We are broke.” And yet wants to spend ANOTHER trillion or two dollars on entitlement program. We know govt estimates are ALWAYS OFF, ALWAYS WAY TOO LOW!!! ALWAYS!!
So why are we suppose to believe him now?? What has changed? Oh I know, we are CUTTING 5billion dollars from MEDICARE to save money. I thought medicare was to save seniors? Obamacare to sacrifice seniors for uninsured well to do healthy youngsters, and ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS!! That is not hyperbole but FACT!
Now let’s continue… portability and pre-existing conditions is an easy fix… check! Wait! Portability if job lost is not cheap problem is COBRA, by the time you get the notice you are 3mo behind & that’s just to get current. If you don’t have a job that’s a big cost. Give you that bill a week or 2 after layoff & its more affordable.
Insurance costs… Biggest obstacle is of course crossing state lines. Why? For one thing it would obviously cause prices to drop, just from the competition factor alone. My friends and I agree, and we are working men & women. Hmmm, I think I’ve just hit on something congress people haven’t got a clue about. REAL WORK. Those of us in the workforce know the actual economics of the workplace. People in congress have EVERYTHING GIVEN to them FREE of charge. There’s no co-pay for HC or scripts. They get a GREAT BIG FAT pension after ONLY 1 TERM. (these should stop ASAP! retroactively) They forget how things work and have a very skewed sense of the way things work. BHO has NEVER ran a business is clueless in that world, as are most of his advisors. Being consultants and high priced attorneys don’t mean shit to people like you & I. Regular people. We understand the whole concept of competition.
So far we have taken care of a few of the major concerns and painlessly to boot. Now here is where the govt comes in.
Illegal immigrants are NOT citizens, NOT entitled to welfare, to vote, or ANY other govt assist programs. They should be deported in all honesty. We still need to take care of those less fortunate and we do. But illegal’s need to be dealt with, no matter what Geraldo says. (future article) Another BIG answer and solution… - the economy. Get people back to work and a lot of this will plainly solve itself. Tax, tax, tax, tax, tax, tax, that is all I hear & have heard. So far hasn’t worked. Let’s try cutting taxes and getting people BACK to work. Incentivise those with the capital to spend to hire more create more. Puts us back on a path to REAL recovery. Less people unemployed, more people
My view from the cheap seats.
John Q. Citizen
The Regular Guy
What say you?
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