Thursday, October 1, 2009

ISSUE 3 Casinio Gambling in OHIO

This issue is coming up in Ohio this November. This has been tried several times in the past and failed. This time it has a very good chance of passing despite the Catholic Church protestations. As well it should. The church has no leg to stand on by demonizing gambling while promoting this vice at ALL their festivals. Why? God says it is a sin UNLESS sanctioned by the church for a festival, just come to confession afterward. What if you are not catholic? Sorry, you’re going to hell. Yes I am being a bit sarcastic.

What about the issue that not all jobs are going to Ohioans? Hmmm? FACT! Most of the people that get jobs WILL: live in Ohio. Sure I’ll bet some people will be brought in because they have the experience to do the table & games, but just like the riverboats in Indiana, the will be trained and eventually become good at their jobs.
BUT still work in OHIO and pay our state taxes. The bottom line Ohio will reap the benefits tax wise. So will the local municipalities. An injection of money they would not have otherwise.

The total amount of new jobs created will be debated; right now it is APPROXIMATELY 34,000. Now this number is an estimate, but according to most objective reports, close. Regardless the number, the final tally will help a starving Ohio economy.

REALLY? Sure it will.

Ok, let’s look at Lawrenceburg, Indiana. The difference that boat made for that area is significant. Just a few things, new city bldg, more cops, increased revenue for the city. More benefits and improvements. We all know this is true, why? Because many, many, Ohioans travel over there to take advantage of the casinos & entertainment, why shouldn’t Ohio benefit? They are only asking for 4 casinos, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, & Toledo. Our 4 biggest cities. Which, by-the-way, are four areas in desperate need of jobs and development. Time to ignore the hypocrites of the “church”. They need not worry; people will still visit the festivals because they know they are fundraisers. So don’t tell us gambling is evil and out of the other side of your mouth: except in the name of the church. We are on to you.

This is not some giant boondoggle; the benefits far outweigh the exaggerated negative effects. We have seen for ourselves the positive effects in local areas within driving distance. Argosy & Belterra are just 2 examples.

We have allowed the opponents to mislead the public long enough. Time for a change. Hmmm where have I heard that? This is actual change we can COUNT. As in money, money, money for the state and local cities, not to mention the small businesses that pop up to service the overflow. More restaurants gas stations and other businesses.

A YES vote will help Ohio step forward and grow a little. Something we desperately need. Something our current Gov has promised but can’t & hasn’t delivered. Let’s take a step forward, a step that is being driven by Ohio Citizens. A step that will be as positive as John Kasich for Gov. Let’s make it happen this November. VOTE YES on ISSUE 3. A yes vote that will help Ohio, you can bet on it.

John Q. Citizen
A Regular Guy


  1. I hope people are not fooled by opponents to issue 3. Now is the right time. These 4 cities will benefit greatly from the passing of this issue.
    Just like Lawrenceberg, Indiana- they all will benefit from the growth this will spur. I really hope it passes and I'm not a gambler, never been to a casino, but I see the advantage to Ohio having our own instead of sending our people & money out of state!

    Let's approve Issue 3 AND elect Mr. Wenstrup as Mayor. Democrats have proven time & time again they cannot run the city. Time for a real change.

    Michael Retherford

  2. It amazes me that the Catholic Church is asking its parishiners to vote against the Casino bill, becuase it is not moral to gamble and it is aginst God's will. BUT, if the gambling is done in the basement of a Catholic Church, (Bingo and Las Vegas Nites,)it is OK. How hyocritical can they be. It is just as bad as the Catholic Church condoning the sexual relations between little boys and Catholc Priests, and yet, they are against homosexuals.
    Go figure!
    It is no wonder that the church is not drawing that many new members. They seemto forget, that what is good for the goose, is also good for the gander.
