Sorry I have been MIA lately technical difficulties have prevented me from posting. I do believe those have been resolved.
**NOTE** I have corrected/clarified a few sentences nothing changed, just syntax. (no pun intended)
I was reading some articles and heard on the news something interesting, yes this may be old to most of you, but I didn't get a chance for my 2cents! This news really says a lot about this administration & some of the problems they still face & why. It is a problem we see with a lot of Democrats & outspoken liberal in politics. . . the lack of real world experience. I should qualify that by saying real world "working" experience. That is to say running a business; either as an owner or as a Supervisor/Manager, even a Plant Manager/Super. One who not only is responsible for operations, but also hiring/firing personnel & evals etc. . .?
Not all dem/libs just most in politics, why is that? You big dummy, politics is their career. (Oh, [expletive deleted] (slaps head) that wasn't offered at my school... or anyone else's I know of.) In fact our founding fathers never meant for serving in govt to be a career; at most a couple of terms then back to a real job. Back then MOST were regular people with regular jobs. Not anymore. Most are lawyers. (explains a lot huh!)
The news item was that 92% of this administration has NO experience in any business. Amazing. Which means a group of my friends AND I have more experience & ACTUAL experience and KNOWLEDGE of real world jobs than they do. John, Michael, Chaz, Gary, my Dad, Shirley(dem), several others get ready for 2010 or '12. Time to run for office! Got a great ticket. . . John Q. Citizen/Joe E. Public. The common sense ticket!
Sorry I have been MIA lately technical difficulties have prevented me from posting. I do believe those have been resolved.
**NOTE** I have corrected/clarified a few sentences nothing changed, just syntax. (no pun intended)
I was reading some articles and heard on the news something interesting, yes this may be old to most of you, but I didn't get a chance for my 2cents! This news really says a lot about this administration & some of the problems they still face & why. It is a problem we see with a lot of Democrats & outspoken liberal in politics. . . the lack of real world experience. I should qualify that by saying real world "working" experience. That is to say running a business; either as an owner or as a Supervisor/Manager, even a Plant Manager/Super. One who not only is responsible for operations, but also hiring/firing personnel & evals etc. . .?
Not all dem/libs just most in politics, why is that? You big dummy, politics is their career. (Oh, [expletive deleted] (slaps head) that wasn't offered at my school... or anyone else's I know of.) In fact our founding fathers never meant for serving in govt to be a career; at most a couple of terms then back to a real job. Back then MOST were regular people with regular jobs. Not anymore. Most are lawyers. (explains a lot huh!)
The news item was that 92% of this administration has NO experience in any business. Amazing. Which means a group of my friends AND I have more experience & ACTUAL experience and KNOWLEDGE of real world jobs than they do. John, Michael, Chaz, Gary, my Dad, Shirley(dem), several others get ready for 2010 or '12. Time to run for office! Got a great ticket. . . John Q. Citizen/Joe E. Public. The common sense ticket!
***It could happen!***
Okay to the point of the day. This explains WHY big O & his boys keep missing the mark.
...THAT my friend is a fact! When Japan was having economic problems in early 90's, President Clinton's advice to Japanese govt? CUT TAXES & CUT SPENDING!! At the same time out of the liberal side of his mouth he gives us the highest tax increase in HISTORY with algore casting deciding vote. Thank goodness for the wake-up call in 1994. We recovered with solid conservative ideas & leadership which Pres. Clinton listened to. resulting in prosperity. Thanks to John Kasich (R) OH, & Dick Army(R) who balanced the budget. I digress.
Why not remember those days, those ideas? We NEED desperately to CUT spending right now! A spending freeze! While also giving across the board tax cuts. ESPECIALLY to business, small business' in particular. Which was ignored in the lastest so-called jobs conference. SIDE note, UNION bosses WERE included. (SEIU(unions)=good -- US CHAMBER of Commerce(sm business)=BAD). Cutting spending right now is the ONE thing we should aggree on. Tax hikes are Bad for the people, TERRIBLE for the economy, hell even the security of the United States. We cannot keep printing money like it is going out of style or the DOLLAR will be worth less than 3rd world monopoly money! ANY one with a basic understanding of economics knows this.
I learned these things in HIGH SCHOOL for goodness sakes!!!! What does this say about education?? Thank-you Mr. Flarherty, Bonner & Yates. The men currently in office & in charge went to colle. . . never-mind! They didn't learn a thing obviously. Only thing the did listen to was the socialism part of class. Evidence is clear. They ignore all other ideas. I along with my group of friends, all of which are REGULAR people of all walks (R's-D's-I's, Cons & Libs) agree (insert old quote) It's the ECONOMYObam STUPID! Get the economy going and MANY of our problems will fade.
This is so true any moron can see it, EXCEPT those morons we elected to represent us. What does that say about us that we put up with them. Most no longer listen to us, they cannot be bothered to read any bill longer than a sound bite. I think a lot of congressional aids should consider running for office. HELL they are the ones reading these monstrous bills and advising their bosses, our representatives. We need their names published, add them to the pool of furture reps. Don't forget me and my friends, we've been solving the countries problems when I was plain old. . . . . . .
...THAT my friend is a fact! When Japan was having economic problems in early 90's, President Clinton's advice to Japanese govt? CUT TAXES & CUT SPENDING!! At the same time out of the liberal side of his mouth he gives us the highest tax increase in HISTORY with algore casting deciding vote. Thank goodness for the wake-up call in 1994. We recovered with solid conservative ideas & leadership which Pres. Clinton listened to. resulting in prosperity. Thanks to John Kasich (R) OH, & Dick Army(R) who balanced the budget. I digress.
Why not remember those days, those ideas? We NEED desperately to CUT spending right now! A spending freeze! While also giving across the board tax cuts. ESPECIALLY to business, small business' in particular. Which was ignored in the lastest so-called jobs conference. SIDE note, UNION bosses WERE included. (SEIU(unions)=good -- US CHAMBER of Commerce(sm business)=BAD). Cutting spending right now is the ONE thing we should aggree on. Tax hikes are Bad for the people, TERRIBLE for the economy, hell even the security of the United States. We cannot keep printing money like it is going out of style or the DOLLAR will be worth less than 3rd world monopoly money! ANY one with a basic understanding of economics knows this.
I learned these things in HIGH SCHOOL for goodness sakes!!!! What does this say about education?? Thank-you Mr. Flarherty, Bonner & Yates. The men currently in office & in charge went to colle. . . never-mind! They didn't learn a thing obviously. Only thing the did listen to was the socialism part of class. Evidence is clear. They ignore all other ideas. I along with my group of friends, all of which are REGULAR people of all walks (R's-D's-I's, Cons & Libs) agree (insert old quote) It's the ECONOMY
This is so true any moron can see it, EXCEPT those morons we elected to represent us. What does that say about us that we put up with them. Most no longer listen to us, they cannot be bothered to read any bill longer than a sound bite. I think a lot of congressional aids should consider running for office. HELL they are the ones reading these monstrous bills and advising their bosses, our representatives. We need their names published, add them to the pool of furture reps. Don't forget me and my friends, we've been solving the countries problems when I was plain old. . . . . . .
John Q. Citizen
The Regular Guy
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