Watching the news & listening to the radio and even reading some blog & news sites... one thing is obviously clear - - there's a BATTLE for control in the Republican party. A battle that really couldn't come at a worse time. We have a President that does NOT like his country and is killing it to boot or trying his best to. Democrat congressmen are in disagreement with him over his disastrous health care plan. Meanwhile Republican members are actually mulling over their own nat'l HC plan, or rumors to that effect. Why when we absolutely cannot afford this type of plan and it has FAILED everywhere it has been implemented, resulting in extreme waiting lists for normal care and rationing of care also; we need a new tack.
Problem is Republicans have NO leader. Michael Steele has, unfortunately, proven himself not up to the task. A man once touted as the next conservative leader has caved to the so called moderates of the party. Like so many republicans that want desperately to be liked by the press rather than those that actually do the voting he has all but ignored the conservative wing. This brings me to the meat of this article. Decision time for the Republicans.
Where do we want to go? The tall weeds? With the likes of Peggy Noonan, Kathleen Parker, Lindsay Graham et...al. Or stick with the Conservative grass roots with people like me, Randy (NC), RS (TX) real grass roots along with Rush, Sean, Laura, The Great One & the likes of Sarah Palin. Also includes many others. That is the choice. Conservatism or not. Do we take the advice of Real Conservatives and embrace those values and ideas, or do we go the way of the elites, the rockefellers, Powells etc that tell us we need to be like liberal Dems? (even tho 2 get elected they go conserv- whoops! Ignore that!)
Which way? Even leader of rep party, Mike Steele seems to lean to the elites. Why? He used to be conservative. Too worried about being liked. Something republicans have to get OVER. Press is NEVER going to like you unless you bash conservatives. Take Jonathin Martin his hit piece on Sarah Palin on Politico.com. He could not find anyone who liked the Gov for his article. Also there is the Hill.com's Roxane Tiron, who like others (matthew daley) who wrote/reported on Sarah Palin this weekend failed to mention that none of the ethics complaints have resulted in anything. A FACT conveniently left out of ALL those stories. This is typical. The outrageousness of these people. Do we take their awful advice or be who we are? Conservatives.
The people that gather around Sarah Palin, that gathered around her during the campaign. Those crowds that were bigger than McCain's! They came to see & hear HER. What did she have he did not? A conservative message. That is what we need to fire up the base and get new voters out. Just because we stand for Man/woman marriage doesn't mean we don't welcome gays in the republican Party. Megan McCain says she has gay friends who are Rep. We can't let libs convince Hispanic voters we hate them just because we demand LEGAL immigration. One of my friend's mom came from Cuba & is totally against illegals and amnesty. She says come LEGALLY learn the language then become citizens. She worked hard & thinks others should too. Being against illegal immigrants is NOT RACIST! We even have people that are. . .pro-choice! Can you f-ing believe it? Try being pro-life in the dem party... you'll get nowhere AND called names. (and yet they claim to be inclusive) Which president named more minorities to High Ranking office & cabinet positions. . . I'll wait. . . PRESIDENT GEORGE W. BUSH!!! AND they call him a racist.
The time has come for us to pick the grass root movement. Time for us Conservative Republicans to speak out! Quit letting the liberal media define who we are. WE ARE NOT RACIST, NOT BIGOTS, NOT HOMOPHOBES. . . the Republican Party IS inclusive, and it is time WE take our party BACK!!! Take it back from the Noonan's & Parkers et al... Bring in and embrace the Kasichs, Gingrichs, McCotters, Boehners, Hatchs and Palins, Jindhal and DO IT NOW! While we have a chance to prepare for 2010. Embrace and walk through the short growing grass roots. Cut down and throw out the tall weeds where rinos roam.
I'm John Q. Citizen
Just a Regular Guy
fueling up the lawn-mower, now get ready to plant the new seeds of hope & revolution!
The grass roots movement of constitutionalism & freedom!
Let's take our country back!
Watching the news & listening to the radio and even reading some blog & news sites... one thing is obviously clear - - there's a BATTLE for control in the Republican party. A battle that really couldn't come at a worse time. We have a President that does NOT like his country and is killing it to boot or trying his best to. Democrat congressmen are in disagreement with him over his disastrous health care plan. Meanwhile Republican members are actually mulling over their own nat'l HC plan, or rumors to that effect. Why when we absolutely cannot afford this type of plan and it has FAILED everywhere it has been implemented, resulting in extreme waiting lists for normal care and rationing of care also; we need a new tack.
Problem is Republicans have NO leader. Michael Steele has, unfortunately, proven himself not up to the task. A man once touted as the next conservative leader has caved to the so called moderates of the party. Like so many republicans that want desperately to be liked by the press rather than those that actually do the voting he has all but ignored the conservative wing. This brings me to the meat of this article. Decision time for the Republicans.
Where do we want to go? The tall weeds? With the likes of Peggy Noonan, Kathleen Parker, Lindsay Graham et...al. Or stick with the Conservative grass roots with people like me, Randy (NC), RS (TX) real grass roots along with Rush, Sean, Laura, The Great One & the likes of Sarah Palin. Also includes many others. That is the choice. Conservatism or not. Do we take the advice of Real Conservatives and embrace those values and ideas, or do we go the way of the elites, the rockefellers, Powells etc that tell us we need to be like liberal Dems? (even tho 2 get elected they go conserv- whoops! Ignore that!)
Which way? Even leader of rep party, Mike Steele seems to lean to the elites. Why? He used to be conservative. Too worried about being liked. Something republicans have to get OVER. Press is NEVER going to like you unless you bash conservatives. Take Jonathin Martin his hit piece on Sarah Palin on Politico.com. He could not find anyone who liked the Gov for his article. Also there is the Hill.com's Roxane Tiron, who like others (matthew daley) who wrote/reported on Sarah Palin this weekend failed to mention that none of the ethics complaints have resulted in anything. A FACT conveniently left out of ALL those stories. This is typical. The outrageousness of these people. Do we take their awful advice or be who we are? Conservatives.
The people that gather around Sarah Palin, that gathered around her during the campaign. Those crowds that were bigger than McCain's! They came to see & hear HER. What did she have he did not? A conservative message. That is what we need to fire up the base and get new voters out. Just because we stand for Man/woman marriage doesn't mean we don't welcome gays in the republican Party. Megan McCain says she has gay friends who are Rep. We can't let libs convince Hispanic voters we hate them just because we demand LEGAL immigration. One of my friend's mom came from Cuba & is totally against illegals and amnesty. She says come LEGALLY learn the language then become citizens. She worked hard & thinks others should too. Being against illegal immigrants is NOT RACIST! We even have people that are. . .
The time has come for us to pick the grass root movement. Time for us Conservative Republicans to speak out! Quit letting the liberal media define who we are. WE ARE NOT RACIST, NOT BIGOTS, NOT HOMOPHOBES. . . the Republican Party IS inclusive, and it is time WE take our party BACK!!! Take it back from the Noonan's & Parkers et al... Bring in and embrace the Kasichs, Gingrichs, McCotters, Boehners, Hatchs and Palins, Jindhal and DO IT NOW! While we have a chance to prepare for 2010. Embrace and walk through the short growing grass roots. Cut down and throw out the tall weeds where rinos roam.
I'm John Q. Citizen
Just a Regular Guy
fueling up the lawn-mower, now get ready to plant the new seeds of hope & revolution!
The grass roots movement of constitutionalism & freedom!
Let's take our country back!
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