Thursday, July 9, 2009


. . .
. Well I guess it's my turn to throw two cents worth of wisdom into the ring on Sarah Palin. For the record, I am a big fan of this woman. She is charismatic, knows more than she is given credit for, and no matter what the media says has a bright future. This woman has been attacked from every imaginable quarter. democrats hate her for numerous reasons, the main one being that she scares the hell out of them.
. Why? They won't admit that. Mainly because she is so damn likable. She knows more about energy than ANYONE in the current administration. She actually has been to ANWR and knows the BS dems & others say bout it is pure BULLSH?T!! Knows that drilling there will HELP AMERICA lessen dependence on foreign oil. Another reason they can't stand her.
. As for her resignation... I believe in the long run it can help her. My friends and I were discussing this since her announcement, and agree if she takes a short break and begins helping Conservative candidates in their re-election & elections, she can draw much needed attention to important issues. She is still much liked by Conservatives. She always out drew McCain when she spoke. Her message resonated with the base! If we had a candidate that was able to speak and support her... we would have had a different outcome.
. The attacks on her have been relentless. I think this added to her decision especially the unprecedented attacks on her children. Dems would have been apoplectic had this happened to a dem/lib, or a man. People like columnist like Peg Noonan, Kathleen Parker & other so called conser pundits just can't understand her appeal. Mainly because the are not really Conservatives.
. McCain's advisers couldn't wait to attack her, but didn't have the courage or guts to put their names on their attacks. Knowing full well they were full of lies & half truths; knowing full well that in some cases were responsible for improperly preparing her. They should have turned her loose early on. She really is a much better speaker than she is given credit for. Actually she can speak much better "off the cuff" than Obama can. He really is terrible speaker w/o his teleprompter.
. The ethics charges have been total bull-shit, and designed to distract and defame her at every step. Unlike DC politicians she is not rich. She is much closer to the people she represents than ANY of the elites. That also scares them. They see her at the grocery store for goodness sakes. They say "Hello" and she speaks back to them... actually has conversations with them... (GASP!) while buying diapers & tampons and FOOD! (the horror!) When was the last time O or M'chelle ever went shopping for themselves? Or even John Mc?
. All I'm saying is that, these things add up. Reasons why people love her. Her positive attitude, friendliness and her charming personality, along with her staight forward sensibility attract people to her. (More reasons dems/libs/others HATE her) They have to attack her try to pull her down, get people to see her as white trash & unworthy of their vote.
. Others have said it, where are the women's groups? They should add the word "liberal" to their names, to be honest.
A future?? Hell yes! Take a break Mrs. Palin you deserve it. Wait a while then get back on the horse and ride into the sunset. In the end I believe you will have the last laugh.

That's my opinion. . .
John Q. Citizen
"The Regular Guy"



  1. She is one of us and that is certainly a big part of her appeal. She talks from her heart, unscripted, like a regular person on the street.

    Women's groups are full of Progressives who are scared to death of Palin - another reason to love her.

    I'm not sure what she is doing but I agree that the more exposure she gets the better. People will love it and it'll drive the left mad.

    I hope she makes her plans known soon. Her speech at the Reagan library on 8/8 could be really interesting. She has said the media is not allowed.

    Fan those flames, Sarah!!!

  2. OH, and with respect to the N.E. supposedly conservative media elite: they are showing their true colors.

    Palin's regular Joe status has them all kinds of upset, she shows that inside the beltway creds don't mean anything. And it is certainly about time!
