Saturday, July 4, 2009


It's 3:am - Do you know where your Congressional aide is? Probably picking up the 300 page amendment to the 1200pg Waxman-Markey Climate Change Bill. OOooo, what's so important that we have to add this under cover of darkness & secrecy at 3:00am in the morning? Should I wake the leadership? Naw, let them sleep, they'll be voting on this later today. They'll have plenty of minutes to read it before voting.

And THAT my friends is the problem. Our representatives believe it is permissible to pass MAJOR legislation that will raise your utility bill $1000 - $3000 per year by some estimates. HOW? You ask. Don't know is the answer. Why? BECAUSE NOBODY HAS READ THE DAMN BILL!!!!!

How long does it take you to read 1200 pages? A good reader, someone that reads a lot, maybe, with nothing else to do but read, week maybe. BUT what if its filled with techno babble & legalize? 2weeks easy a little longer if you want to understand it. CONGRESS?? They don't want to understand it. Even the authors of the bill haven't read it! Couldn't tell another congressman what was in it!!! OUTRAGEOUS!!! These are the men we are electing to office... rather democrats are electing. Then to top things off, THEY ADD 300pgs MORE AT 3:00 AM IN THE MORNING!! how is that fair? How is that fair to the American public??

Here are some facts you should know. There's no such thing as a consensus in science. FACT: the scientific method does NOT allow for it. An EPA study was suppressed that expressed a different opinion than the "official" co Line. Alan Carlin an analyst for EPA was basically told "to drop it". Part of an email read,
"... your comments do not help the legal or policy case for this decision… I can only see one impact of your comments given where we are in the process, and that would be a very negative impact on our office. (EPA) Go here 4 more

My biggest question is why the hurry?? This is not an emergency bill by any stretch of the imagination so what's the rush?? Why are dems/Pelosi/Big O, pushing so hard? Congress is going on vacation tomorrow. (Sat 6/27) The senate won't be voting on it for a while. WHY RUSH???
Thus costing votes. This bill is outdated & based on the European model which even they are running away from. It costs Spain 2.2 jobs for every one created. In Australia/New Zealand are putting on hold or repealing measures included in their versions because it is crushing their economy.

Much like the Kyoto accords would have done to us, & which did to the countries that passed that load of crap. The main impetus is that if the US passes this then the rest of the world will too, including China & other polluters (3rd world) ... riiight... They're supposed to tax their budding & blooming economies in this economic climate? (pun intended) again riiight!

Are the American people willing to pay an extra $4,300/year for their utilities?? Do you have an extra &370 per month? $90 more per week???? What about the effect on Ohio, Penn, KY, Illinois, West Virginia, the cost on unemployment, the coal industry?? Obama said in a speech in 07 or 08 he would tax the coal industry. As President Obama warned us on his campaign trail, electricity prices will "necessarily skyrocket". He doesn't care. He won't tell you companies don't pay taxes... its an expense they pass on! To who? The consumer... YOU!
Call your Senator RIGHT now, tell them to vote NO on the climate change bill. Keep watching the news for when they plan to vote on this monstrosity.
So far FOX has been the only one to report on this honestly an fairly. The most honest politician in this debate so far...? The Congressman from the Great State of OHIO!! House Minority Leader- John Boehner, who called the "Taxman-Malarkey" Climate change bill "...a pile of SHIT!!!"
That's how I see it.
John Q. Citizen
"The Regular Guy"
Sorry for the length, couldn't be helped.

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