Saturday, April 25, 2009

U.S. Interrogation

I think most Americans given a choice would use "harsh" techniques against terrorists to gain info about possible attacks. They are terrorist after all. Do they feed US captives dinners that are nutritious? Are they given a Bible? The answer is a BIG NO!! What they are given is the business side of a machette, or a close up view of a moving fist. The terrorist do not say, "wait! We must first consult the Geneva convention before we chop of his head.."
But our President thinks because he has apologized for every possible slight or misdeed the United States may or may not have done, the terrorist, er... sorry enemy, sorry again, those poor oppressed people, I mean poor people oppressed by the great Satan, America; won't beat up or chop off the head of an American prisoner. They will treat him/her humanly and call the Red Cross immediately to render any aid. (yeah right!) How naieve.
He would prefer our soldiers when capturing a terrorist say, "You have the right to remain silent..." The last democrat President tried that and we got a few bldgs bombed, a ship with a hole blasted in its side and downtown NY with an altered skyline. President Obama wants to go back to that mentality, the pre 9/11 mentality. We haven't been hit the terrorist won't hit us we've appologized everything is alright.
"Prisoner #91256... er Hadji, here's a pillow. Good night."

John Q.

the Regular Guy

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