Sunday, May 10, 2009

The Budget Crisis... as I see it

I have a simple solution to the budget. This will take some guts and bravery from our representatives, I know that is asking alot from men who haven't got a clue about real life. Here it is... CUT ALL departments in the budget 1 % with exception of defense & social security: BUT only increase those no more than 3-5%.
. This is so simple, we would save BILLIONS of dollars, cut waste and the deficit. Albeit a little at a time. Now by cuts I mean REAL cuts!! Not cuts in projected spending, but real honest to goodness CUTS! WE could probably cut even more but I use 1% as a starting point... but with the numbers our govt uses even that would be a large enough sum of money to make a difference. Do you really think this govt would even consider this? NOT!!! Obama and the demcrap controlled congress wouldn't even consider this as an option. (but neither did the republicans)
. Why doesn't congress EVER consider REAL cuts in the budget? Mainly because they are not really on OUR side. They say so on the campaign trail, get elected and then basically say F.U. I don't mean to be profane but seriously this subject really ticks me off. This is such a simple solution, such a real life answer as to be overlooked as too simple to work. BUT, between you and me... we know it would work, because it works for us in our lives when we experience money problems.
They will ignore it, that's why I'm using RED to write this. Congress is bankrupt when it comes to actual ideas.

John Q. Citizen
The Regular Guy

offering real solutions to real problems

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