Monday, May 25, 2009


Reading through several blogs and news sites the last few days has been quite depressing. Barak's campaign... wait... he really was elected? OMG that wasn't a dream? So the gov't really is in the car business? I see, officially no... technically... yes. I see.
Wait a minute, now I get it. Big O is doing whatever he can to keep Chrysler & GM to keep from filing bankruptcy. I mean official bankruptcy. No real bankruptcy judge involvement. The Cry-sler debacle is a total travesty. Dealerships being torn from owners & GIVEN away to others for nothing while not offering ANY compensation to original owners. Can this actually be happening? Yes! Saw this and couldn't believe it was real.
Thought about it awhile and it made perfect sense. Big O has to repay union thu... er.. supporters somehow. That is why he gave GM another 4bil stop gap pmnt as the bankruptcy deadline came & went. Everyone involved knows that allowing GM to actually file REAL bankruptcy would benefit the company and affiliates and the satellite companies more than the sham bankruptcy that cry-sler got. Union officials made out like (pun alert!)... bandits...(sorry couldn't resist. Came out so natural.)
Save time GM, ignore the govt and just file bankruptcy and get it over. The quicker the better. AND without ANY govt help. That way you will be much closer to recovery than you'd be if you include the govt. So the union doesn't get their sweetheart deal from O. Most average people can't believe the UAW is willing to lose jobs rather than negotiate.
Everyone knows it is sad to lose benefits, but I'll bet if given a choice between benefits & salary... salary wins. Even in retirement. A group plan in the name of GM employees could be cheaper than individuals. Even if you do have to pay for it yourself. Better than nothing. Unless of course you are a union official... They'll be unaffected. That's one benefit that won't be cut, no matter what plan is used.

That's just one man's opinion.
John Q. Citizen
Just a Regular Guy

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