Tuesday, June 16, 2009


I've sat back long enough, and heard many arguments, I found a penny so I think I can put my thoughts down on the matter. David Letterman's poor attack joke last week on Sarah Palin & her daughter was inexcusable. His subsequent attempt at a non apology apology failed miserably and was dismissed by practically everyone. Except those on the left that were willing to blindly accept what he said as a legitimate joke.
What Dave didn't expect was his apology wasn't accepted. Not only wasn't it a real apology, it was far from a sincere one. He blamed the joke on the fact WE took it wrong, it was about Bristol NOT Willow... now I get it... wait... no.. still not funny. We are supposed to laugh now we know it wasn't about the underage daughter but the one that already had a baby. . . . ah, no, I don't think so.
Everybody that saw the news knew the girl with Mrs. Palin was the middle daughter, everyone. David was caught with egg on his face, or, as Dave would say, (with his pants down). The joke not funny falling flat, he changed the premise and said, "what I meant to say was Bristol, yeah, Bristol is who I meant. (crickets chirping) (again). We ended up with the 2nd apology which Mrs. Palin graciously accepted to end this debacle.
I watched several news programs and they all for the most part were falling all over themselves to HELP Dave or to out right defend him. Some even went out of their way to even blame the Palins, calling it feigned theater. They even went so far as to compare Chelsea Clinton being called "not very pretty" to the Palin daughters being called or implied anyway, as sluts or whores. OUTRAGEOUS!
The left is so jaded and is so excited to destroy and libel the conservatives they look the other way when CHILDREN are drawn into the fray. Until the democrats accepted it as okay this was never a problem. The remarks about Chelsea, were by 2 Hollywood liberals. (betcha didn't know that). Why is that? Where are the women's groups? OK, NOW put him in their hall of shame. Why weren't they all over the networks saying that? All I saw/heard was a press release. What about calling Flight Attendants "Slutty"? Nothing. I personally know several FA, they are far from slutty, and I think they & their parents would be/are offended.
Fire Dave? Probably about time, he's no longer funny, but actually... I'll leave that to the network. I thought Imus should have been suspended for a week maybe two, but fired?

Dave should do us all a favor. . . . quit now, pass the torch to someone that is actually funny. Remember Dave you had a child out of wedlock too. What did your generation call that child...

John Q. Citizen
The Regular Guy
and former Letterman fan
BTW, his show lost me about 3 yrs ago


  1. I suppose it is socially acceptable for comedians to now bash on children Jamie Fox recently made a comment about Miley Cyrus. He called her the big toothed girl with all the gums. He stated she should go make a sex tape, shave her head or other obnoxious things. When he was called on it his answer was simply " I am a comedian its what I do"
    Other than the ridiculously sickening Andrew Dice Clay I thought comedians even had boundaries,,,,,apparently Dave and Jamie didnt get the memo

  2. Humor does not excuse veiled attacks of any kind. You may not like Miley Cyrus, but she is still under age no matter how you look at it.
    I don't care that she is in the public eye. When she is an adult fine till then HANDS OFF! A comedian that has to pick on a child show poor skill at what he chose to do and just bad writing, & should pick another profession. Cosby, Carlin, Pryor, and even the man you hate "Diceman", NEVER made fun of kids. AS crude as he was Dice never made those kinds of jokes.
    These men showed you can be funny with out resorting to crude humor. Dave & Jamie need to get wit da program. Or Hire writers that have a sense of humor or at least a brain!!

    John Q. agrees
