Thursday, June 11, 2009



. Thirty years ago today (6/11/79), movie theaters went dark in a moment of silence... A quiet tribute.. Hollywood ... nay America had lost an icon, a hero. The Duke had passed to that great beyond... that big stage in the sky.
. John Wayne was probably one of the last great American icons, a Hero to a few generations of fans. I did see his last movie at the theater, "The Shootist", the rest were through the magic of TV reruns, and Saturday afternoons. My mom loved old movies and because of that I watched many movies I may have missed otherwise. (More on this later.) The list is too long for this article, but I do have a few of MY favorites. (the peanut gallery behind me, while I write, be damned.) "The Fighting Kentuckian", "McQ", "The Green Berets", "The Searchers", "Rooster Cogburn", "True Grit", "The Cowboys", "The Shootist", I'm sure I left out somebody's favorite.
. With a cast of thousands and many of them memorable in and of themselves, reminds me that we just don't have actors that are that memorable. with great lines like, Bob Duvall, "That's bold talk from a one eyed fat man" Or scandalous lines, from the hero no less: "Fill your hands you son-of-a-bitch!" Chills just thinking about it.
. The current crop of actors we have in the last few generations don't hold a candle to those of our past. I don't think they will be as memorable as Wayne, Stewart, Holden, Grant, Brennan. The character actors were just as famous. That cannot be said today. Sad.
. The Duke was hailed for his talent, and his love of his country, (missing from actors today big time!) and politics. He was an unabashed conservative in Hollywood no less. He was even a Freemason and not afraid to admit it. These traits endeared him to a nation of movie goers who adored him and enjoyed his movies.
. So it is with a sad fondness of memory, I raise my glass, and salute a great American hero and switch the channel to AMC, which is showing "The Hellfighters", which by the way, is my personal favorite. Gotta run, my popcorn will be done in 2min & 30sec. We'll be right back, after a word from our sponsors.
Goodnight Pardner!

John Q. Citizen
The Regular Guy

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